Adding a question on the same level or lower level
In this article, We will explain adding a questionnaire. Two ways to add a question There are two ways to add a question. One is to add a question to the same level, and the other is to add a question to a lower level. Add a question to the same level If you want to add a question to the same level, click the plus button to the left of the question. The question creation screen will pop up, and you can create a question text. In the following, it is written as "Test question". When you click the ...
General overview of creating and confirming a Melp questionnaire
In this article, We will explain the entire process of logging in to the Melp administration screen, creating a questionnaire, and publishing it. Login to the administration screen Click the following URL and enter your email address and password to login to the Melp administration screen. https://www.melp.life/manegement/login Click on the "Quetionnaire set up" tab After logging in, you will see the "List of questionnaires" screen. Click on the "Quetionnaire set up" tab in the header to go to the Create Questionnaire screen. You will see the 2 sections "Questionnaire for patients" and "Questionnaire for medical staffs". Click on the edit ...
Melp Free Demo(Covid-19) 1. Answer the questionnaire (Patient) Please click the button below to answer the medical questionnaire. When you have completed the questionnaire, please move on to "2.Check patient's questionnaire (Hospital)". Click here to answer the medical questionnaire 2. Check patient's questionnaire (Hospital) Please click the button below to check the patient's answer Click here to check the patient's answer
Melp Free Demo(Pediatrics) 1. Answer the questionnaire (Patient) Please click the button below to answer the medical questionnaire. When you have completed the questionnaire, please move on to "2.Check patient's questionnaire (Hospital)". Click here to answer the medical questionnaire 2. Check patient's questionnaire (Hospital) Please click the button below to check the patient's answer Click here to check the patient's answer
Melp Free Demo(Gatroenterology) 1. Answer the questionnaire (Patient) Please click the button below to answer the medical questionnaire. When you have completed the questionnaire, please move on to "2.Check patient's questionnaire (Hospital)". Click here to answer the medical questionnaire 2. Check patient's questionnaire (Hospital) Please click the button below to check the patient's answer Click here to check the patient's answer
Internal Medicine
Melp Free Demo(Internal Medicine) 1. Answer the questionnaire (Patient) Please click the button below to answer the medical questionnaire. When you have completed the questionnaire, please move on to "2.Check patient's questionnaire (Hospital)". Click here to answer the medical questionnaire 2. Check patient's questionnaire (Hospital) Please click the button below to check the patient's answer Click here to check the patient's answer